The story of Philip is our common achievement!

It is important for every teacher who works with children to be able to see the results of their work.  And for a speech therapist is no exception.

The wonderful results of our children become a motivation and incentive to keep pressing on.  We rejoice in the success of our special kids, for it gives strength over and over again to help those who need it, but still it requires many resources from a specialist.

And we have something to share.  In classes with a speech therapist our little friends go though many stages starting with initial contact and onto the appearance of their first spoken words.

A striking example is three year old Philip Kulchitskiy a boy who did not speak at all and did not respond when addressed.  After corrective work Philipchik now understands spoken language, performs tasks when given verbal instructions, imitates articulation, does breathing exercises, can focus on an object and use it for its intended purpose, and repeats sound and words for a speech therapist. This is a success and the work must continue because with a little more effort this boy will be talking.

Our speech therapist Miroslava shared the story of Philip.

We are grateful to everyone who helps change the lives of these special children for the better.
We invite you to join our partners and help more than one life shine with brilliant colors.

With love and prayers for you,
the “LoveHasNoBorders” team.

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