Yesterday our center in Makarovi was unusually noisy and crowded. A team of ophthalmologists checked the vision of our special children.

There are no doctors who are trained in checking the vision of children with special needs. So everything depends on the character traits of the doctors themselves. And we watched the team work – admiring the patients and professionalism of Doctor Yulia Malovanoi. All the children were special and required a special approach. Some of them did not react to the doctor at all – as if they didn’t understand and others understood but didn’t want to carry out even the simplest of requests. It was only through the patience and love of all the specialists that the examinations were conducted successfully.

38 children came to be examined. Ten doctors wrote perceptions for them on the spot and there are eight additional children who require further examination and soon it will be clear what to do next for them.

We are immeasurably thankful for the team of ophthalmologists and for their incredible work! Thanks to them, the quality of life for these special children will improve.

So if you have a desire to help those in difficult situations be able to take a step towards a better life, become one of our partners.  There are plenty of acts of kindness for everyone.

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With love and prayers for you,

the “LoveHasNoBorders” team.

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